Not only is it the most common mistake in being promoted and career advancement, but it’s one of the biggest!


So, you are eager and ready to grow at your company.

You’ve been there for a few years now in the same role.  You’ve received good performance reviews year over year, but have not been promoted.

Or maybe you’ve received a promotion or two at your company, but now can’t seem to get your foot in the door to a higher management level.

Or it could be that you’re doing ok on the job.  And are interested in growing and learning but believe your boss will “block” you.

No matter which scenario fits, the reality is you’ve hit a plateau in your career. 

You feel stuck.

You probably also feel exasperated, tired, anxious and confused.

You know you need to do something about it, but don’t know what steps to take. 

How can you get yourself unstuck so you can keep moving towards your career goals.

Well I will tell you- you need to avoid the  most common (and biggest) career advancement mistake  – you need to SPEAK UP!


Are You Running Or Hiding?

That’s right. 

You see, I’ve been exactly where you are right now.  And I don’t mind telling you that being stuck felt horrible.

I’ve also seen hundreds of people get to the same crossroad in their career trajectory where progress starts to either slow down or stop completely.

Your instinct is to either run or hide.

Hiding for you could be either pretending that everything is fine and that you’re not interested in growing professionally.

Or hiding might be that you shrink your presence on the job by keeping your head down and working hard. But not speaking up or volunteering for projects.

And if you’re not hiding, your inclination might be to run.

Running looks different for different people.

For you, running could mean that instead of putting yourself forward for a promotion at your current job, you’re thinking of leaving and getting a  job somewhere else.

Another way you may be running is that you’ve decided to stop emotionally investing at work since “they obviously don’t value you”.  Instead you’re going to put all of your time and energy into your family, friends and hobbies.

What you may not realize is that running, hiding, and avoiding are only temporary fixes.  They are coping mechanisms, but not long term solutions.


Speak Up To Get Past The Plateau

The best way to get unstuck is to TALK or SPEAK UP.  To share what you’re experiencing and what you want from your career with someone with authority or influence.

While venting to family and friends can be cathartic, very rarely will it get you to take necessary action.

And  remaining silent or stagnant will only further hurt your career.

Start with your boss.

It’s the first conversation you should have because the person you report to will be the first place others inside and outside of the company go for a reference.

Even if you believe your boss doesn’t like you or you don’t have a strong relationship, it’s usually the best starting point.

And I am a firm believer that you don’t have to “like” your boss to get their support, particularly if you deliver what they (and the company) value.

If you boss really is not an option, then pick another leader in the company you respect and who respects you too.


A few tips for the conversation:

1)      Explain the situation and how it’s affecting you, including your short and long term career goals

2)      Be honest and transparent

3)      Ask for his/her reaction and perspective – they may see things totally differently

4)      Ask for their help – specifically inquire about what you need to do to get their support for your next career move

5)      Agree on what should happen next

6)      Commit to a date and time to reconnect


Final Thoughts.

Speaking up and sharing your career intentions with your boss or someone else can feel intimidating.

But don’t let fear or your pride prevent you from doing it anyway.

Remember, this is the first step to getting yourself back on the path you want.  And to avoid making the most common mistake that holds people back from being promoted.

So, be brave.  

I will be here cheering you on.