Category: blog

Work Mask: To Wear or Not to Wear, That is the Question!!!

“Do you wear a mask at work” refers to the metaphoric question of whether you can be your true self at work? Whether your workplace is primarily your house, a restaurant, a retail store, a school/university, or a corporate office, if you engage with others throughout your work day via phone, email, text, or in person – this is a very important question to ask and answer.

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4″Must Do’s” Before Saying “I Quit” During the Pandemic

Major lifestyle shifts during COVID have pushed many into deep reflection about how they are living and what they value most. Repeatedly, friends, colleagues and acquaintances are asking difficult, existential questions like “”Who am I?” “Am I happy?” “What is my greater purpose?” “What values do I want to live by?”. “Should I stay at this job?”

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